Thursday, February 25, 2010

If I die tonight

Sometimes I wish that I weren't trapped here,
waiting to see where life brings me.
I feel as though I haven't done anything,
nothing at all to make things right.
I haven't made amends to those I've hurt,
and I haven't cared to do anything else.
For someone who is so determined to find love,
I'm as lonely as the dark.

I've given up on trying,
trying to find what we had again.
I promised myself I wouldn't let you hurt me,
but I break that promise to feel at least something.
My heart is slowly hardening,
I am no longer who I was.
Maybe if one day I find someone new in my arms,
I'll stay strong and won't let my heart break.
I wish I could never love again,
that I never knew how love felt,
so I wouldn't have to forget.

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