Sunday, February 28, 2010

Man's world and I'm not there.

kso I've come to the conclusion that I attract a lot of hoes.
The worst part of it is that I always end up falling for them.
They'll say things and do things that drive me insane,
but at the end of a day, it's only a game.

I fell in love with a girl during the summer,
she was the most amazing one of them all.
Obviously so out of my league,
yet she surprisingly wanted me.

I was kind of dragged along,
completely ignorant of the fact that she was not in love.
I ignored it, thought I could change it
but in the end she left me for her number one.

and yeah, it really does hurt
but now that she could be mine,
I don't trust that I can let her in.
after all, I'm just a one weekend thing.

I hate that I'll never win,
fighting to get the girl.
She'll always go back to him,
and I'll just be hidden.

I don't want to be that girl,
the one who gets her heart broken.
But I'm setting myself up to get hurt,
It's eventual, I know it'll never work.

It's a man's world out there,
who am I to compare.
She will never love me,
She just loves to be free.

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