Wednesday, March 17, 2010

you could be happy, and I won't know.

I was so sure of who I am,
what I am,
what I can do.
Now I don't even know my name,
where I am,
or who I'm meant to be.
Why'd you have to come into my life
and change everything for me?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Man's world and I'm not there.

kso I've come to the conclusion that I attract a lot of hoes.
The worst part of it is that I always end up falling for them.
They'll say things and do things that drive me insane,
but at the end of a day, it's only a game.

I fell in love with a girl during the summer,
she was the most amazing one of them all.
Obviously so out of my league,
yet she surprisingly wanted me.

I was kind of dragged along,
completely ignorant of the fact that she was not in love.
I ignored it, thought I could change it
but in the end she left me for her number one.

and yeah, it really does hurt
but now that she could be mine,
I don't trust that I can let her in.
after all, I'm just a one weekend thing.

I hate that I'll never win,
fighting to get the girl.
She'll always go back to him,
and I'll just be hidden.

I don't want to be that girl,
the one who gets her heart broken.
But I'm setting myself up to get hurt,
It's eventual, I know it'll never work.

It's a man's world out there,
who am I to compare.
She will never love me,
She just loves to be free.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

If I die tonight

Sometimes I wish that I weren't trapped here,
waiting to see where life brings me.
I feel as though I haven't done anything,
nothing at all to make things right.
I haven't made amends to those I've hurt,
and I haven't cared to do anything else.
For someone who is so determined to find love,
I'm as lonely as the dark.

I've given up on trying,
trying to find what we had again.
I promised myself I wouldn't let you hurt me,
but I break that promise to feel at least something.
My heart is slowly hardening,
I am no longer who I was.
Maybe if one day I find someone new in my arms,
I'll stay strong and won't let my heart break.
I wish I could never love again,
that I never knew how love felt,
so I wouldn't have to forget.

Monday, January 18, 2010

every day I wonder if you were worth giving up
it you meant enough to me to give you another chance
to make my heart whole again
What I have to remember is that
whatever is forgiven, is never forgotten
and what we have was great,
but that dark looming cloud of deceit,
pain, lies and cheating
will always hang above us.
I don't want to be forgotten,
I don't want you to move on
but I will never be able to ignore what has happened.
I love you,
I miss you.
I lost you.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

i hope this old train breaks down

Why do i wake up every morning
with this bad feeling looming over my head?
It runs through my veins and drives me insane
I’m sure there’s something wrong with me,
I just don’t know what it is
I feel lost, angry,
and utterly hopeless in this huge world we’re in
I can’t do anything more than be present,
but I’m not really there at all.
My mind has imploded with thoughts,
and memories.
Im incapable of doing anything,
just an empty shell shot out of a gun.
Tell me,
how long must this go on?